
Bourn Airfield Planning Update

The Bourn Airfield planning application will be decided by a planning committee from South Cambs District Council on Friday 18th December.

As your Parish Council, we have a set amount of time to put any points of view across.

Currently, our major concerns are

1.No buildings of any sort in the field to the right-hand side of Highfields Road on entry into the village.

2. The amount of traffic that will be using the roundabout onto the old A428 and what improvements will be made to stop traffic exiting Bourn Airfield and travelling down through the village.
3. The boundary between Bourn Airfield and the properties on West Drive, this is currently the rear of the private gardens on West Drive.
4. Footpath access into Bourn Airfield at various points throughout the village.

Your Parish Council and District Councillor would like to hear any other views or concerns you may have regarding this development.

These points will be discussed in the Caldecote Parish Council meeting on Thursday, December 3rd.

Please could you email your concerns to

Helen Cartwright- Chair of Parish Council,
Cllr Tumi Hawkins your District Councillor or
Alan Melton Caldecote Parish Clerk –

Thank you for your input