This is a YouTube video of the slides presented to the Caldecote Public meeting held on the 18th May 2021 This is a clinical analysis of the alignment choices we have been given. EWrail have...
Parish EWR working group findings on East West Rail published
We have published the Caldecote parishEWR working group findings on the East West Rail consultation. There are two PDF's to download, one a summary. We feel East Rail have failed to realise the...
Notice: Cancellation of Parish Council Meeting 13th May
The Parish Council meeting of Thursday, May 13th 2021 has been cancelled due to COVID restrictions. The next planned meeting of the Council will be on Thursday, June 3rd 2021 at a venue to be...
Bourn Quarter Update (former TKA Tallent site)
Developers are ready to break ground next week. They have delivered letters via the contractor Readie Construction to the houses in West Drive nearest the site to let them know work will be...
East West Rail Consultation: ends 9 June 2021
East West Rail (EWRail) have started their non-statutory consultation and the preferred routes will have a significant effect on the top part of Highfields Caldecote. They have managed to find a...
Notice of Emergency Road Closure, Main Street
The County of Cambridgeshire Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 - Section 14(2) as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991 (Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic) Notice...