
A428 Development Cluster Community Meeting 24 November 2021

A community meeting regarding planned development affecting the parishes of Bourn, Boxworth, Caldecote, Cambourne, Caxton, Elsworth, Eltisley, Hardwick, Knapwell and Papworth is being arranged.

The main reason for the meeting is to discuss future events for the parishes affected by planned development, especially given the current and future developments at Bourn Airfield and Cambourne West.

The details are:

Wednesday 24 November, 6pm

Online via zoom: Link:

Passcode: 712767

South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC) facilitate several events called Community Forums for other parishes affected by planned development in various areas of the district. Community forums are open, public meetings bringing together residents, planners and developers and other stakeholders to discuss and disseminate information regarding the development of specific significant areas of growth. Existing Forums include presentations and discussion on planned development as well the impact of development on other infrastructure such as transport, education, health and community governance. You can find more about existing Community Forums on our website:

The meeting on 24 November will cover presentations and discussions on:

  • How SCDC currently run existing Community Forums and options for the A428 development cluster
  • The Terms of Reference
  • Presentation and discussion on the Greater Cambridgeshire Local Plan focusing on planned development and infrastructure likely to impact on invited parishes