Local Information

Local Information

Local Government and Services

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Main website

Bin collections

View or comment on a planning application

District Councillor: Tumi Hawkins – Website

Cambridgeshire County Council


County Councillor: Lina Nieto – Website


Cambourne Police Station

Sackville Way,
Great Cambourne,
CB23 6EG.

Phone number: 101.

Email: cambourne.npt@cambs.pnn.police.uk

In case of emergency, phone 999

Doctors surgeries

Bourn Surgery

25 Alms Hill,
CB23 2SH

Tel: 01954 719313
Email: bourn.surgery@nhs.net

Website: https://www.bournsurgery.nhs.uk/

Comberton Surgery

58 Green End,
CB23 7DY

Tel: 01223 262500

Website: https://www.combertonandeversdensurgery.nhs.uk/Local Schools

Caldecote Primary School

Highfields Road,
Highfields Caldecote
CB23 7NX

Contact: Lesley Whitehead

Tel: 01954 210263

Email: office@caldecote.cambs.sch.uk

Website: http://www.caldecoteprimaryschool.org.uk/Caldecote Church

Website: http://www.caldecotechurch.org.uk/

Contact: Rev. David Newton

Tel:01223 665654

Email: davidnewton@lordsbridge.org

Village Facilities

Caldecote Village Hall

Furlong Way,
Highfields Caldecote,
CB23 7NU

Bookings and general enquiries: contact Simon Gautrey on caldecotevillagehallbookings@btinternet.com

Chairman: Tom Footman (Tel: 01954 210318)
Hall Committee : Michael Johnson, David Phillips, Jan Roberts, Saskia Dart

Caldecote Village Club

54 Highfields Road,
CB23 7NX

Tel: 01954 210791

Chairman: Russell Beresford
Treasurer Simon Waters
Secretary Claire Robinson

Sports Clubs

Hardwick and Caldecote Cricket Club

Website: http://hardwickandcaldecote.play-cricket.com

Contact: Chris Fuller (Club Secretary)

07557 388229

We train players from age 5 to 16 to become competitive cricketers in league cricket with fun sessions by ECB qualified Coaches. We are a Clubmark certified club which means we provide a safe environment for all children.

Training is in the Spring/ Summer on Saturday mornings 9.30 -10.30am. Games are usually on weekday evenings.

Caldecote Football Club

Website: https://www.caldecotefc.org.uk/

Other Local Support

Home-Start Royston, Buntingford and South Cambridgeshire

“Helping local families in crisis. We’re there for parents when they need us most.”

Unit 6, Valley Farm,
Station Road

Tel: 01763 262262
Email: Admin@hsrsc.org.uk

Website: www.hsrsc.org.uk

Useful Links

The Trainline

Buy tickets online for personal and business travel

Personal Travel: https://www.thetrainline.com

Business Travel: https://www.thetrainline.com/business