East West Rail

East West Rail

Last Updated 8th June 2021:

Caldecote Parish Council EWRail submission

This is the Caldecote Parish Council Submission to the EWRail consultation.

East West Rail consultation submission

East West Rail (EWR)’s 2nd non-statutory consultation closes on Wednesday 9th of June.

Every person in a household can fill a consultation form in, and every consultation counts.
Please click here for the Feedback Guide
Please download a copy of the guide and shorten form and send the form in by post to:


or email to consultation@eastwestrail.co.uk.

You can also download the full feedback form, or fill in the form online by going to the East West Rail website: https://communityhub.eastwestrail.co.uk/consultation-feedback

Resources from the Caldecote Public meeting held on the 18th May 2021

East West Rail Consultation: 31 March – 9 June 2021

On 31st March 2021, East West Rail (EW Rail) launched a new non-statutory consultation period for the new Oxford to Cambridge railway line. Based on the findings from their previous consultations they proposed five different routes, two of which (alignments 1&9), are a completely new route that has not been consulted on before and EW Rail have announced that this is their preferred option. Alignments 1& 9 cut through the top end of our village.

Fierce lobbying by the villagers to the South during the previous consultations has led EW Rail to consider a station to the North.  EW Rail have revisited this question and have come back with the same technical reasons why this is not feasible. Instead, EW Rail have staggeringly found a sliver of land across the top of Highfields that allows them to still approach Cambridge from the South. But this has been rushed, and EW Rail have failed to consider its true impact.

The Parish Council set up a working party on April 1st 2021 to evaluate the proposal and its impact on the village.

The only other routes up for consultation go from a South Cambourne station and cut across the very bottom of Caldecote Parish.

The EW Rail consultation ends on 9th June, and we can comment either by completing a paper feedback form or online at https://communityhub.eastwestrail.co.uk/consultation-feedback

We encourage you to read fully the working party’s findings and EWR documents (see below) then complete the Consultation Feedback form, on the link above, before the 9th June.

Map showing route alignments

Below are links to relevant docs:

Document Link
Caldecote Parish Council Submission East West Rail consultation submission
Feedback Guide and shortened form. Caldecote-EWR-Consultation-Feedback-GuideWith-leaflet.pdf
YouTube video of the slides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtkznbLfzr8
Consultation Feedback Form

This can be completed online or emailed to consultation@eastwestrail.co.uk

Caldecote EWR Zoom Meeting Slides & Notes Caldecote EWR Meeting Presentation 18thMay 2021_Slides & Notes
Caldecote EWR Zoom Meeting Slides Caldecote EWR Meeting Presentation 18thMay 2021_Slides
Summary from the Caldecote PC EWR Working Party Caldecote Parish Council WP EWRail Summary Report
More detailed findings from the Caldecote PC EWR Working Party Caldecote Parish Council WP EWRail Full Report
EWR Consultation website https://eastwestrail.co.uk/consultation
Hard copies of the documents and forms can be ordered from here https://ewr-ws.apsmos.com/ArticleOverview.html?sp=Sconsultationinformation)